The BINGOOO interface
The BINGOOO interface is divided to several windows and lines:
1. Menu bar:
In the first line you will find the menu bar with the basic menus File, Edit, View, Search, Options and Help. With a click on a certain menu, you open the respective menu window with the various commands.
2. Toolbar:
In the second line you find the toolbar. Important commands can be started here even faster. If a symbol has an arrow, you can open an dropdown window with further commands by a click on that arrow. You can blind out the toolbar over the menu View.
3. Subject line:
The subject line tells you which category and which agent you have chosen. On the right-hand side of that line you see some symbols to alter the appearance of the BINGOOO screen without using the commands of the menu View - here you can blind out certain panels or call up the BINGOOO communicator.
4. Agent panel:
The fundamental part of the BINGOOO interface is divided in three parts lying side by side. On the left-hand side you see the agent panel. Here you find the categories as major subjects and their specific subordinated agents within the category. The categories are marked by coloured boxes. As soon as you have chosen a category, its agents will be show underneath. After having chosen an agent then you can enter your individual search term in the keyword line and start your search.
5. Keyword line:
Under the subject line you find the keyword line. Apart from a few symbols for fundamental commands such as "Start" or "Stop", you see one or more input fields to enter your search term(s). The number and kind of input fields depend on the agent's character.
6. Result panel:
The result panel will show you the result table of your individual search. The result table presents all results in classified order so that you can compare them from the various criteria in the columns. With a click on a result you can open the original website belonging to it in the browser panel. Then the result window will be divided: Above you always see the result table with its scrollbar to navigate, below you see the browser panel. You can also maximize the browser if you want.
7. Source panel
Right from the result panel you find the source panel. It tells you which sources the agent actually chosen refers to. You can blind it out over the menu View or with one of the symbols in the subject line. If the function Aggregation in the sources panel is activated, identical results found in various sources will be compiled automatically. You can de-/activate the function by clicking the arrow in the header.
8. Messenger panel
Over the menu View you can call up the messenger panel in the lower part of the sources panel. Here you can send Instant Messages to BINGOOO users in your local network or in the entire web. With a click on the right mouse button in the messenger panel you open a context menu with further commands such as "Send sms" e.g..
9. Status line
At the bottom you find the status line. On the left-hand side you see the link referring to the actual position of your mouse. A bar chart informs you about the progress of a running search. Next to it you find the number of results, sources searched through and other data.
10. Task line
Under the status line you see the task line with the start menu and individually chosen program icons.
11. Sidebars
Beneath the agent panel and the source/ messenger panel you will find vertical sidebars. By the symbols you can change separately the various sights of the panels (Agent-/Browser-/Result-/TV-/Source-/Messenger-Panel).
You can choose between three basic modi of display: Browser, Search and Messenger. Just click on the respective icons in the toolbar to change sight.
You can find further information under:
Main menu
Agent panel
Browser panel
Keyword line
Result panel
Source panel
Browser panel